Do Good, Be Good Podcast is a show for people who strive to do meaningful work in public service and helping professions.
Subscribe using iTunes
- Click here to open up the The Do Good, Be Good Show in iTunes (If that link takes you to a webpage instead of iTunes click the blue “View in iTunes” button).
- Then click “Subscribe.”
Subscribe Using a Different App
If you have a phone that has apps on it, the easiest way to listen to a podcast, is using an app. If you have an iPhone, Apple’s Podcasts App is a good app to use. Some iPhones have the Podcast App already installed.
Don’t have an iPhone? Neither do I! A good app for Android phones is Podcast Addict. Another good option is Stitcher: Click here to view Do Good, Be Good on Stitcher.
Most Apps: Simply search for “Do Good, Be Good Show” in your podcast app. Here’s a nice instructional video about how to do this in multiple apps.
Help Me By Leaving a Review
I will be filled with joy if you would take a moment to rate and review the show.
- Click this link to open up the Do Good, Be Good page in iTunes. note: if that link takes you to another webpage, click the blue “View in iTunes” button.
- Click the “Ratings & Reviews” tab.
- Click the “Write a Review” button and enter your review. (Be sure to include the stars on the right of the title of your review.)
Here’s a helpful video I found that walks you through some of the details.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share the love!