
New Workshop: Planning Your Member Calendar Around the Member Lifecycle

As AmeriCorps members, each journey is unique, yet familiar patterns emerge through the member lifecycle from the initial Honeymoon phase to the reflective Exit Fever. Recognizing these patterns is crucial to enhancing member retention and engagement. On May 23rd, Do Good, Be Good, in partnership with America Learns, invites you to join a transformative virtual workshop: “Planning Your Member Calendar Around the Member Lifecycle.”

This session is designed not just to walk you through the lifecy

New Workshop Fit Your Goals Into Your Life

Join “Fit Your Goals Into Your Life” on April 17th, an engaging virtual workshop for AmeriCorps members. Led by Jemia, an AmeriCorps alum and professional coach, this session offers a unique opportunity to reflect on your personal goals and learn how to balance them with your current responsibilities. Discover how to prioritize what makes you feel your best and integrate these insights into your daily life. Sponsored by America Learns, this workshop is part of our commitment to support AmeriCorps members in their journey of growth and fulfillment.

Meet Yolanda Fraction

It has been a few years since I met Yolanda at a National Service Regional Training. At the time she was working at the Maryland Commission. Since then, I’ve stayed connected with Yolanda through attending her Learning and Development Chats, and by listening to her...

Meet Corina Sadler, CVA

I first met Corina Sadler when I stopped in Plano Texas on a road trip and reconnected with my friend Robin, who had served as the director of Volunteers in Plano for decades. Robin was getting ready to retire and was very excited to introduce me to her protégé...

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