Are you tired of meetings that feel like a waste of time? Just five minutes of pre-planning will help you change that. I have created this template for you to use to plan your next meeting. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or would like additional meeting design resources.

Meeting Design Template

Meeting Title/Name:

Date and Time:

Location and Room Set-Up:


Objectives: *

What do you hope to learn, decide, or do differently based on this meeting?




Content: What is the key information that will be communicated? Is there any research or information that needs to be shared with participants as a handout or in a pre-email?

Meeting Design: *

Provide an outline of your meeting, including presentation methods and how the session format will engage attendees through participation and interaction. The table below is one example of a format that you can use to outline your meeting design.

How much time will each segment take?What key concepts or information will be shared in this segment?
How will attendees engage with the content and one another in this segment?Are there any materials needed? Room layout? Technology or tech support?How will you document the discussion taking place and any decisions that were made? (photos, surveys, pre/post polls, recorded sharing)


Who can serve in key roles during the meeting?

Possible roles:

Greeter, Notetaker, Time Keeper, Photographer, Presenter (Subject Matter Expert), Moderator/Facilitator

Follow Up: 

What is the next step to continue progress on this work? Does a summary or post email need to be issued?

Get the toolkit!

Do you lead meetings? I have put together this free toolkit to help you energize your team through more productive staff meetings. Enter your name and email and click get the toolkit to have it delivered to your email as a PDF.

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