We know AmeriCorps
Are you with a State Commission or AmeriCorps program? You're in the right place.Every month we offer a live virtual workshop for AmeriCorps members or program staff. These workshops are sponsored by America Learns and anyone using the America Learns Impact Suite can get free tickets through them.
If you’re not using America Learns, you can purchase tickets for yourself or your members. Click on the button to the right to see all the workshop topics, dates, times, and ticket prices.
The LAAB is a resource for you so that you have everything you need to host engaging and impactful sessions for your members either virtual, hybrid, or in person. The LAAB includes templates, outlines, materials, and activities so that you can create your own custom experience for members, but don’t have to start from scratch.
Learn More
The Life After AmeriCorps in a Box is a great option for programs who want to support their members and improve member retention.